The University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS) consists of doctoral programmes which cover all disciplines and the approximately 2,000 doctoral researchers of the University.
The aim of the Graduate School is to provide systematic and high quality doctoral training for the doctoral researchers of the University of Turku. Each doctoral researcher has personal supervisors and the progress of the doctoral dissertation is followed regularly. The aim of doctoral training is to train highly qualified experts with the skills required for both professional career in research and other positions of expertise.

University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS) and the faculties work together to provide support services and training for doctoral candidates. A doctoral degree at the University of Turku includes a doctoral dissertation, its public defence and postgraduate studies according to the study requirements of the doctoral programme. The required number of ECTS for mandatory courses varies by faculty. Thus, the HAIF doctoral researchers will have uniform study requirements set by HAIF and UTUGS, whereas the remaining course work will be individually tailored to reflect the faculty-level pecifications. The doctoral dissertation may be in the form of either a compilation of several scientific publications, including an introductory chapter summarizing the publications, or a monograph.
HAIF doctoral researchers belong either to the Doctoral Programme in Technology (DPT), the Doctoral Programme in Law, the Doctoral Programme in Languages, Translation Studies (Utuling) or the Doctoral Programme of Social and Behavioural Sciences and Doctoral Programme in Nursing Science (DPNurs).

HAIF curriculum follows a participatory and adaptable approach. The training activities designed for HAIF will include contributions from Associated partners. The doctoral researchers themselves will host the HAIF seminars, proposing the topics and event format. The supervisors will provide all the necessary support to make this possible and, for example, use their contacts to invite interesting speakers to present in the seminars. In addition to the courses listed below, the doctoral researchers will have access to University of Turku’s staff training activities, including Eduhouse Online learning environment with English materials on data analytics tools, presentation skills, project management etc.
Below you find an Example of Main Network-Wide Training Events, Conferences and Contribution of the University of Turku and the HAIF Partners. The required number of ECTS for mandatory courses varies among the four faculties at UTU. The listed curriculum covers a total of 46 ECTs worth of training, out of which 40 ECTS mandatory.
UTUGS trainings and courses (2–17 ECTs)
*Mandatory activities in bold (2 ECTs)
Orientation and Supervision Plan*
Annual Career and Review Discussions*
Ethics of Academic Research (2 ECTS)*
Doctoral Thesis and its Public Defence*
Basics of Research Data Management (3 ECTS)
Information Resources and Tools for Research (3 ECTS)
Entrepreneurship for Research Professionals (3 ECTS)
Business essentials for scientists (3 ECTS)
Leadership in contemporary working life
Intellectual Property Rights and Research (3 ECTS)
Finding Joy and Productivity in Academic Writing (1 ECTS)
Get Inspired by Science – Science communication course for
doctoral researchers (1 ECTS)
Three Minute Thesis (1 ECTS)
Academic Writing for Researchers (2 ECTS)
Academic Presentation Skills (2 ECTS)
Finnish Language and Culture
Pedagogical Studies (0–8 ECTS)
HAIF-specific trainings and courses (12–15 ECTS)
*Mandatory activities in bold (12 ECTs)
AP = In collaboration with HAIF Associated Partners
Introductory Days*
Responsible use of AI (5 ECTS)*
Scientific Communication: Power of AI for Public Engagement (1 ECTS)*
Secondment 4–6 Months (4–6 ECTS)AP
HAIF Workshops (national and international) AP
HAIF SeminarsAP Career Development Plan
Open Science and Data Management Plan*
HAIF Conference 2028 (2–3 ECTs)*AP
Participation and poster or oral presentation in the conference
UTU trainings (13–14 ECTs)
No mandatory activities
EU Funding and Networks
Courses and Literature of the Doctoral Researcher’s Research Field (2–21 ECTS)
UTU Research Seminars (2–6 ECTS)
Teaching Practice (2–6 ECTS
Oral/poster presentation in International Scientific Conference (2–3 ECTS)

When you work as a doctoral researcher at the University of Turku, you have a wide range of opportunities to learn Finnish! The University of Turku encourages international doctoral researchers to learn Finnish. Finnish language skills can expand your job opportunities and facilitate your integration into Finland. When you study Finnish at the University of Turku, you will also learn interesting aspects of local culture and society.